Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dragon Slayers' Academy

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I remember mentioning that we are now reading a new chapter series.  This chapter book series is called Dragon Slayers' Academy by Kate McMullan.  Most chapter series books now a days do not require you to read in sequential order but we found book 1 and began with that.  When we finished, MD happened to pick up book #14 during our library visit (we go twice a week after he gets out of school to pass the time before we pick up MG).  They had a blast reading book #14 because it went in detail on how to speak Pig-Latin.!

You see, Wiglaf, the main character of the story in book #1 goes off to Dragon Slayers' Academy to become a somebody -- a hero.  His parents agree, hoping he will being gold to the family (because apparently, dragons have gold hidden in their caves and if you slaye one, you can keep the gold!). Wiglaf is a kind young boy, with 11 brothers who torment him, so he finds comfort in speaking to the family pig.  While heading to the school, Wiglaf and his pig, Daisy, run into a "not so wise" wizard, who puts a spell on Daisy and now she speaks Pig-Latin!

This is a great series!  We have decided to go back and read the books in order -- it's easier to keep track that way.  We've read 1-5 and looking for #6 still!  Just this weekend, we finished 7 and 8.  They are now interested in learning more about knights, castles, and dragons!  So Saturday morning, while daddy had to go into work (don't get me started!), we began building our castle... out of recycled materials!

More to come.....

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