Thursday, September 30, 2010

Learning and grape "juice"

Thursday, September 30, 2010
He's writing much better these days!  I am so proud of him.   He wrote:  "On Sunday we went to Half Moon Bay.  We went fishing."  He was able to sound out most of the words and I reminded him about special words and letters that he could not hear but were there or words that required certain letters to accompany each other.  For example, we have been working on ar and er sounds.  In general, he will only want to write cr for car, but I remind him that a and r need each other to make a word that  makes sense and that all words need to have a vowel to make sense.

And he's reading too! (and don't mind the fact that I myself, did not know the date... It was September 28th, NOT February 28th that he read this!)
(I had to delete this video to make more space for other photos, sorry Ma)

E is doing what he does best... playing while MD and I work... bless him for being more independent these days!  (Might be the biweekly classes he's attending.)
After school we swung by Matt's house for some water... he offered the children grapes from the back yard.  MD asked if he could make grape juice instead...  of course, Matt said yes.  Yikes, I say!  Have a lookie:

Look at the "glop!"  (MD's own word)

And in the end... all 3 approved of the new treat Uncle Matt invented for them.  Grape juice, squeezed by their own little hands, sugar, and crushed ice...
Yum!  He took his remainder on the road... home, so that's saying a lot!
Thank you Uncle Matt for a refreshing treat!  It was supposed to be cooler today... alas, I did not agree!  I was too dang hot to enjoy the afternoon... looking forward to fall! Fall, I know that you are technically here (because the children wrote that during their last art project).   But I want you here and feel like you are REALLY here!  I want to whip out my warm coat, snuggle with the children, sip hot chocolate, and read books under a soft warm blanket...  Away with you heat!!!!

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