Thursday, July 15, 2010


Thursday, July 15, 2010
So many parents talk about it.. I never really paid attention... turns out croup is what has been keeping us pretty quiet here... (not literally, of course because that coughing is deep and loud around here!)

Homebound... trying to stay cool in this heat... and just letting our bodies heal.

E is having a hard time with his coughs... but he's  trooper.  He is a bit more cranky these days...  Today he took a 2 hour nap!  (I sat behind the computer and edited!  MG and MD played.  It was pretty quiet.)
MG woke up the other day with it -- so sorry Loari!  I hope your sweetheart does not get it!
MD is too active to have caught anything it appears!  All 51 pounds of him has fought off this one!

We are laying low... and resting.  Hope you are all staying healthy and drinking plenty of liquid!  It was dang hot today!

Hope to be back soon... with some GREAT news in the works!  (Nothing health related, wink, wink!)