Friday, April 2, 2010

Books we're reading

Friday, April 2, 2010
(Okay... why didn't anyone mention that my post title was grammatically incorrect?!!!  "Books we reading?"  What the heck was that all about?!  I just saw it now and was mortified!!!!)

Morgan is really into these:

Dorothea, from her class, was reading these books and her mom, Grace, mentioned it to me... So we gave it a try.  Yesterday, while lying in bed resting of and on -- she read 3 books!  So, apparently, she likes them too!  Thanks Grace!  I like that some chapter books make it possible for children to get through without feeling they are reading the dictionary!  These are great reading material for beginning chapter readers.  She's enjoying the story line -- 2 girls name Rachel and Kirsty are friends with the fairies in Fairyland and try their best to help the fairies when Jack Frost gets in the way.  Morgan said, "I like the books because the fairies go on different fairy adventures."  So there you have it!

Right now, we are reading A Bear Called Paddington before going to bed.  They have had some good laughs because Paddington is that kind of bear.  Really, MD was rolling on the bed with laughter and we've only read 3 chapters!

After watching Little Amadeus yesterday, we went to the library and grabbed a few more books about him.  They also spent some time listening to other musicians play some of his work on YouTube.  There was an 8 year old little girl that was amazing on the piano! Wow, so many talented young children out there!

And penguins have been part of reading list since last week after reading this.  They are reading other books and we are writing about what we have learned.  One of my favorite author is Gail Gibbons.  She writes well and her illustrations are so easy for children to follow.  See here:

MD just wrote, "Penguins live in Antarctica" and is now reading it back to me:

MG is looking at Gail Gibbons book as a reference here:

E is practicing his letter E:
Books, books, everywhere!!!!

As for me, I FINALLY finished this on my Sony Reader-- after 7 months (maybe more?!)!  So now I must move on to this.  I keep picking it up and putting it down... off and on for months now!  But Amanda promises me I will not be disappointed...  And since the book is Clare's, I am motivated to finish it sooner rather than later.  But I really want to read this!

What are you reading?  Do you have a good recommendation or two?  I will have to ask Vince to help me add more onto the Reader.  Although I love holding an actual book in my hands and turning the pages, having this has saved me while I am at an appointment and forget to grab my books.  I often take it with me and leave it in the car so that when we pick up MG early from school I can read while the boys play or watch a movie in the car.

(On another note -- MG's illness this week has been a blessing in disguise... E is now potty trained!  It only took 2 days!  Since we were home anyway.. I thought I would just help him.  Wohooo!  It'll be nice not to carry so many diapers anymore!  I just need them for night time now.  Now, do you think I deserve a nice bag just for me?!  I saw this and entered in their giveaway.  Cross your fingers for me!  Does that mean you might enter too?  Did I just give myself more competition???  Man!)

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