Thursday, April 1, 2010

This Morning... Little Amadeus

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Matt and Leo bought this for the children for Christmas and they LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  Since M&M are a bit under the weather -- mostly because MG brought home "something" from school Monday afternoon... so we are taking it easy.

I love that the children appreciate classical  music more these days. (Even E walks around humming the music!)  Overall, it's kind of funny and somewhat silly.  Little Amadeus is a bit adventurous and often gets into trouble.  Sometimes it's hard to really see what is factual and what is made up for the sake of entertainment.  I do not know enough about Amadeus so I probably should read up!  (We are planning a quick trip to the library this afternoon, you know what I will be checking out!)   There is also a villain in the story that I don't particularly like because he is always trying to sabotage the family when they are on a trip or getting ready to perform. He uses the words, "stupid" and "idiot" often and I am NOT a fan of those words, so we discuss them ahead of time.  I remind them that movies have to use these words sometimes, but WE do not use them!  We discuss that in every story line there must be a villain so that the main character (Amadeus) must somehow solve the problem and then the story can have a happy ending!  

Today we are going to use the accompanying CD-Rom full of activities and lesson plans (for me!).  I will continue to review.  But this is a great introduction to classical music.  Thank you, again, Matt and Leo!

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