Dear Morgan... aka "Princess of Cabral Avenue" as dubbed by Uncle Matt "of Cabral Avenue", :)
I am amazed everyday when I look at you... my first born! My beautiful baby girl. Although you started out so little, you were and still are a fighter! (you are definitely your mother's child!)
You are intuitive, kind, gentle, and very intelligent. I wonder sometimes what new language I will have to learn so that I may have a private conversation with your father about you! I remember you learning to spell early on because you would listen to our conversations and use the context to figure out what we were discussing. Then Daddy and I would laugh at you. What else could we do?!

You love to:
1) play with the hula hoop (with and without the Wii)
2) play hopscotch (mostly with Uncle Matt because he got you started on Cabral Avenue when you were 3)
3) drawing, painting, coloring (using purples and pinks because those are your favorite colors)
4) making various arts and crafts (like Mommy)
5) play the piano with Aunt Clare
6) read, read, read (that's my girl!)
7) sing and dance (in front of your family only)
8) make up songs (our favorite thus far is "Oh tomato" from our road trip to OR and WA in 2009)
9) bake cookies (chocolate chips are your all time favorite - yum!)
10) boss your brothers around!
This year you have grown so tall (just don't stand next to Emma Faye! ;)). You've really enjoyed reading The Rainbow Magic series -- almost 2 chapter books a day! You also asked to write cursive and now "sign" your name whenever possible. This goes to show how quickly you learn to do things... I'm not sure I will survive your teenage years when you learn to drive!
Your smile and laughter are very infectious -- you do it often!
You love to pick berries -- because Aunt Clare and Uncle Jim have berries in their back yard and they rarely survive when you are around! You will pick and eat all their berries - ripe or not! ;) This is you picking berries on our recent camping trip. I think you ate more than you collected in the bucket.Being the oldest has its ups and downs.... So I need to go easy on you. I depend on you a lot. (You help write my grocery lists. You remind me what needs to be done when we prepare for activities. You remind your brothers what is expected of them.) You put up with a lot. (Your brothers are always complaining about things. They are always arguing with you.) And your father and I expect a lot from you. Knowing this, we need to give you credit for A LOT! Thank you sweety for being who you are...
Happy 7th Birthday Princess!
Thank you for your beautiful smile, your infectious laughter, your wise comments, and your easy going personality. We love you very much!