Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Quach3!

Sunday, August 22, 2010
It was very last minute "planning"...  But with the help of Matt and Leo, we were able to pull this party off!  Decorations of the food table courtesy of Matt:

I still use this sign I made last year... you'll be seeing more of it!
MG and Olivia with MD in background enjoying the pool.
Everyone took turns using the body crayons
and jumping in the bounce house...
They requested cupcakes instead of a cake this year.
This was the only way I could think to personalize it -- E loves Thomas right now:
I'm sure you can guess whose cupcakes these belong to!
Silvermist (a fairy from the Tinkerbell movie -- that she has yet to see!).  I didn't even know she loved her so much!  Clues have been given to me to start her Halloween costume... ahem... Something in the lines of, "Mom, may I have a blue dress and a pair of wings?"  Hmmm.... wonder what she wants to be?  ;)
"Happy!"  -- All their wonderful friends who came out to celebrate with them.  We kept it small since 1) it wasn't our house, 2) we were on a tight budget, 3) and 3 different group of friends kind of frightened me!
Waiting patiently for the singing...
Isn't it great that they did it at the SAME time?!
Uncle Matt passing out the cupcakes to everyone.  The frosting recipe can be found here.  I really like it.  The children commented that it tasted like vanilla ice cream.  
I think they enjoyed it!
What do you think?!  Ed said Ryan (corner in red) only ate the frosting and handed the cake part back for him to finish.  Smart, huh?!
They look content...
Now for more excitement:

Hitting the pinata!!!!  I tried lining them up from youngest to oldest but my mommy brain got the best of me and I sort of forgot who was supposed to go where...  

Emma:  She has a good arm!  Watch out!!!
Olivia -- she was all business!  Get out of her way!
Jenna -- she also has a great arm and eventually cracked the pinata!
Everyone for him/herself!
The 3 friends from kindergarten... now all grown up and going to 3 different schools.  But still keep in touch.
Gifts time!!!  Let me explain that I did not intend to open gifts at the party because I knew how crazy and chaotic it would be to try to keep track of all 3 children and their gifts.  But MG opened one gift.. which then led to more gifts opening up... by then I couldn't stop them!  So instead of writing things down, I took pictures of all their gifts as they opened them.  I was running around from one child to another as a new gift was being opened...Mel, Astrid, and Lisa -- thanks for your help in keeping track of a new gift being opened!  Here's a quick teaser...
This is from Corinna and Dave:
From Jenna:
from Olivia and Emma E:
from Auntie Linda and Uncle Rob.  There are more photos... but I am getting kind of tired.  So, thank you cards will go out soon!
At the end of the day... this was the best part of the party -- these three taking turns hitting the poor clown's head!  Hey -- they were entertained while I had some "fun drinks!"

What a wonderful day full of wonderful friends.  Thank you all for coming to share the excitement with us!  Thank you Uncle Matt and Uncle Leo for hosting in your backyard.  The children had so much fun.  The parents did too -- especially since Matt began making "fun drinks!"  Here's to a pina colada that tasted like a yummy smoothie that I didn't realize I was having an alcoholic beverage.  I was calling it a "fun drink!"  Silly me!  Then  Leo made toasted almonds... now those tasted alcoholic.  It was NOT a "fun drink" for sure!  But it was sure fun to drink it... slowly!  I slept well that night! ;)

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