Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My 3 Jumping Beans

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
We practically had this place to ourselves!
(see E in red?)
(Well, one little boy befriended me (and then he eventually played with E) and claimed that this day was the most fun he has ever had while coming to this place.  (because i was actually IN the jumpy things playing with my 3 and him as well!)  :)  FYI -- He came with a sitter who literally SAT the entire time he was there.  She never once stepped foot into the place and at one point, she was GONE for like 10 minutes!  She didn't even check on him or tell him she was going to the bathroom.  At least that was where I hope she went!)

Anyway, MG's last few days of summer vacation is drawing near.  I wanted to take her to this place since she's never been and the boys always spoke about it around her.  (Quick update -- she got into Blossom Hill Elementary School.  We find out Friday whom her teacher will be!)

This place is awesome!  I had a great time too!  See for yourselves:

They climbed this long, tall ladder thing: 
And ALL 3 did this:
She would not even give this a try a year ago... Today, she claimed this was AWESOME!!!!  She did this over and over and over and over... you get the idea!  :)
At first he needed someone to go with him, by the end of the 3 hours (yes, we were there that LONG!) here - he was fine on his own!  "By my own self!"
What a day we had!  I'm sure she will want to come back... but when?!  School starts Monday!

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