Sunday, March 28, 2010

Books are amazing!

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Morgan's school hosted a Story Fun Night.  It's basically a night focused on encouraging families to read together.  At the end of each story the children were given an activity to do that was associated to the story.  She signed up for her top 2 choices and was given:

Cooking as the first theme:
The teacher (Mrs. Bernanrd?  She 's a 2nd grade teacher) read, If You Give a Cat a Cupcake by a great author!  It was a really cute story -- Ethan loved it and kept saying, "Me, me," during the story.  For the record -- a 2 1/2 year old saying that is cute.  A student saying that in the classroom - not so cute!  So, I will nip that in the bud by the summer!  (hahaha!)

So, of course, they decorated a cupcake!
Can you tell he's ready to dig in???
She was very dainty - took a bite and was done!
Well... him, he's something else,isn't he?
And these are our friends, Theodore and Dorothea.  Dorothea is in M's 1st grade class.

Art was the second theme:
This teacher read a cute story called The Dot.  It was very inspiring!  This is the author.  Karen, my sis, bought me Someday before I had Matthew... very beautiful book about a mom and baby.

So off they went to create their masterpieces with tempera paint and a Q-tip!


Here she is a  few days later with the souvenir frame and the art she created!

He's just glad to be done -- no longer photogenic!
The activity was pretty much over when Mrs. Rosete (that's M's teacher) and Bella walked in! 

That event was Friday night...

By Sunday morning they were already inspired!
We read this:
And they immediately wanted to do this!

I just love books!!!!  We've been reading about penguins... more to come!

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