Tuesday, August 17, 2010

All is well...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
in the Quach household -- and ready for another school year!
August 13, 2010

They all had their annual check-ups... with a new doctor -- Dr. Rita Zorian.  All 3 have been seeing Dr. R. Berry Armstrong since the day they were born.  They were so sad to learn that we were no longer going to see doctor Armstrong for their wellness checks.  I have more to say about this wonderful man.  Another post!
We've only seen Dr. Zorian once awhile ago when MG and E had croup.  This was our second visit with her. So far, so good!  But NOT Dr. Armstrong!  :(
E's stats:
36 1/2" tall, 31 1/2 lbs, 20/20 vision, passed hearing test (so what's his excuse for not doing what I ask?!)

 MD's stats:
44 3/4" tall, 52 lbs, 20/20 vision, and passed his hearing test (again I ask -- why can't he hear me the first time when I holler for him to brush his teeth?!)
He had 3 shots today!  Poor guy!
 MG's stats:
46" tall, 44 lbs., 20/20 vision, and passed her hearing test too!
 What they did while the others were being tested: 

And then the dentist's visit on August 16, 2010 -- all did very well in this area too!  NO CAVITIES this year for anyone!  (remember MG had one last year in kindergarten? she was pretty traumatized by that filling so she's been really good with keeping her teeth healthy!)
Fluoride thing -- I thought she was going to gage!  But she did so well!!!  Meg, was also able to get her to do the teeth x-ray without her complaining!  Woohoo!!!  What a great visit we had today!
 E watched MG getting her teeth cleaned.  Here they are looking at her teeth x-ray together:
 Then he was eager to have his turn!
 And he did fabulous!  The ladies here all know him and so he was very comfortable.  I think his first official visit in February is going to be just fine, what do you all think?!  ;)
MD insisted on going by himself -- so no photos.  Meg raved about him.  I guess he was a good patient!  :)

After their dental visit -- we headed over to the Los Gatos library lawn area to meet up with some old friends.  You won't believe it but this group here used to consist of these 2 baby boys below, Kenyon (in red shirt and blue hat in back) and Kiran (front blue shirt with arms up), and these 2 baby girls below, Emma K. (in pink in front of Kenyon) and Morgan.  We are missing Kylie, Vincent, and Emma F.  We 7 moms met at Kaiser's Breastfeeding Club and now our number has grown -- we are now 17 children strong!!!!  (please correct me if I am wrong anyone)
 After a long day of playing... the boys decided they would help me with dinner.  Are you impressed?  E helped me wash the bok choy and then cut them too!  Yes, he did a lot by himself -- with my supervision of course!  And yes, that is the same sharp knife that I use to cut fruits and veggies!
 Well, you are used to seeing him help me.  Tonight was no different.  He not only helped cut the on choy, he also helped me stir fry them in garlic with coconut oil.  We then added black bean paste for more flavor.  He ate this dish up in seconds and asked for THIRDS!  That's my guy!  ;)