Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday "Big Eye!"

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
For days after you were born we kept wondering when you would open both your beautiful eyes.  We were patient because new-borns tend to take their time doing "things."   It was not until a few more check ups had passed that we became a bit more concerned. Dr. Armstrong finally give it a name.  Turns out you were born with a droopy (left) eye lid or ptsosis.  You know, you (in our eyes) were a big guy.  So we always called you big guy... and then one day we found it a bit ironic that calling you "big guy" sounded a bit like "big eye."  So... we made sure to always make it clear we were calling you "guy" and not "eye."  

We think it fit to have you become a doctor one day... MD -- Auntie Uyen will agree!  :)  (But no pressure, really)  She gave MG her first doctor's kit and she loved putting these spectacles on you!  See how cute you looked with them on?!  And check out those chubby cheeks!  I always had to refrain myself from wanting to eat you!  :)  Sometimes I was not too successful and your cheeks would be wet from my bites!  Hee hee.
Here you are on our camping trip to the Pinnacles.  We stopped off to visit the mission on the way.  As curiosity set in you wanted to open all the locked doors to go inside!  Alas, you gave up when we announced we had to leave.  During this camping trip - thanks to Uncle Jim -- your first real clear word was, "beer!"  And now, because of your sister, your favorite things to collect are... beer bottle caps!

Now here you are... on a most recent camping trip at Memorial Park in San Mateo.  So handsome... so grown up... and so rambunctious!

You are:
  • loud (quiet is NOT in your vocabulary unfortunately)
  • funny (you are always making up jokes - some not so funny, but it makes us laugh because you try and we think THAT'S funny!  And when you laugh, it is the best laugh!  It's one of those deep sincere laughs.)
  • sweet and kind (you think of your siblings when you are offered something and probably don't want anyone else to notice that you really DO love them.  I'll keep it a secret... between you... me... and the few people who read our blog! ;))
  • an explorer (everything you do is hands on - it's just who you are!)
  • you make me want to scream sometimes -- out of anger/frustration and happiness... what more can I say, everyone always say to me, "he's a boy!"  
  • a BOY!

You love:
  • to run EV.ER.Y.WHERE! (walking is never an option --  yikes!!!)
  • to swim in the pool, snorkel in the ocean, and splash water where ever and when ever available!
  • to play on the Wii (you just started to learn to play Super Mario Galaxy) and your DSi (all the games that Daddy has given you - and that's A LOT!)
  • Star Wars (especially Legos)
  • Mario and Luigi 
  • Transformers
  • Bakugan (thanks Alex for introducing him... ahem...;))
  • to draw with your sister (because she gives you guidance and you really are a great artist when you spend time on a picture)
  • to read simple books (because you can now!)
  • to scooter (because you are awesome at it!  AND you sometimes do tricks that make me nervous!)
  • to play soccer, football, basketball, and go fishing with Daddy (I'd have to put fishing first on your list, as you really have no fear of jumpy, scaly, and slimy fish!)
  • to scare me to death with your stunts!  (I'd better get used to it...sigh)
  • picking up bugs and other small creatures  (eek is all I have to say about that!)

You don't just merely look on the side lines... you DO:
Your favorite line in Hawaii was constantly asking: can we go to Snorkel Bob's?  (Maybe Snorkel Bob should give you commission for saying that!  At any rate, snorkeling was your activity in Hawaii!)
Dear Matthew,
I am so proud to call you my son.
You are so full of energy and although I may not always show it, I really do appreciate your ball of energy first thing in the morning and the last thing at night.  I just wish I had 10% of it for myself!
You are an amazing young boy who always tries everything!
You are often fearless, so it makes me become more brave around you.
You sometimes have a shy streak in you... and it softens my heart to know that you have some limits to your bravery!
I know that when you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything and I am so anxious to see what your future holds.
I can see you doing so much -- with so much enthusiasm!

Happy 5th Birthday my Noisemaker!!!!
I love you... to the moon and back

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