Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday Rachel!

Monday, May 10, 2010
Rachel is a friend from MG's 1st grade class.  After being in school for a few weeks, the only name I ever heard MG utter was Rachel this, Rachel that...Rachel, Rachel, Rachel...
Well, Miss Rachel had a birthday party the day before Mother's Day at Build A Bear!   Have you been before?  This is her second time there...

1st, you choose a bear:
Second, you "help" stuff it  (so while standing there I couldn't help but notice that although the gal asked them to pump that foot pedal, some children - mine included - was lazy and did not pump one bit and the machine still functioned!  So, really, did they stuff it?  I don't think so!  But MG won't realize this until she reads this in high school.  By then, she won't care "how" Brownie -- the creative name she gave her bear! -- was put together!):
Third you wait and try to ignore your mom when she asks you numerous times to turn around and smile for the dang camera....
Fourth, the bear gets "sewn" tight (so... while standing there again, I wondered how she could be so efficient in sewing all those bears together.  So Winston and I investigated how the bears were pre-assembled... seems the threads are already in and the gal just needs to pull it shut, tie it, and cut off the excess thread!  voile instant sewing!) :
Fifth, you give it a "bath" (So, it's just air blowing on the bear and the children brushed it with a brush. Not too exciting, really.):

Then you hug it even more with your friends near by...That's birthday girl, Rachel, in the middle:
A group photo opp...
The best part afterwards was the ice cream cake next door at Cold Stone!
This is the card MG made Rachel.  I love how they just say like it is!  Simple, right to the point!(It looks like a grammar error got passed me... we just had a talk about the words "you're" and "your"... she may have gotten a bit overwhelmed by the conversation!  Oh well... we'll keep working on it!)

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