Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Hollow Park and Zoo with some boys

Thursday, May 13, 2010
and boy, are boys full of energy!!!!  Some of MD's classmates from his preschool class decided they wanted to get together for an outside event (outside of school, that is)  So we emailed and decided to meet at Happy Hollow Park and Zoo -- because we've NEVER been! ;)

They touched this snake at the entrance -- pretty cool, huh???

They climbed the fence to see the wallabies:
The last time we were here (a few weeks ago!) he was really scared to climb this part of the play structure.. now look at him go!
E was having so much fun with these "older" boys!
They finally stood still for ONE decent photo while waiting in line!
This was so hard for him to maneuver, but he tried his darnedest to move it!  You basically need a lot of arm strength and the ability to maneuver using your feet and arms.  He tried and tried... I gave him a few kicks to start him off and he had so much fun trying to keep up with his brother and his friends!
MD is sitting with Matthew S.   He really wanted to sit with DJ though, so that is why he looks a bit grumpy!

He loves this swing ride!  But we also discovered today --( actually, so did he!) that he really likes the roller coaster ride!!!!  We went twice in a row and he still wanted more but we had to move on.  I am so proud of him!  He used to be so scared of it and would not go on after the few times I took him with me. 
On our way out -- we discovered this in the zoo area... a real beehive!  Uncle Jim should see this!
It was fun today, but I am exhausted running after these boys!!!!

This weekend I am going away to the cabin with my friends from MG's school -- the school moms.  I am so excited!  More details once we return -- IF we return!  Haha!!!

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