Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Because it's all he talks about now!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Star Wars this and Star Wars that....

He can't wait for his birthday... why???  Because he was with me at Target the other day and spent about 30 minutes drolling over all the Star Wars toys that he will ask Grandma (Vince's mom) for!  He wants a light saber... but I just don't see why he needs one.  He is currently using a plastic baseball bat and I think it serves its purpose very well.  He has real battles with E and no one gets hurt.  He looks forward to his morning battles with Daddy and it seems only Daddy gets hurt!  And at the end of the battle, we go outside and it's a baseball bat.  So, really, does he need a $30 plastic thing that the store calls a light saber?  I think his made up one is SO much better!  August will be an interesting month!

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