Sunday, March 14, 2010

Plant a Tree!

Sunday, March 14, 2010
So I was reading about this on this blog that I check pretty often.  A great woman and her 4 year old (genius, really) son who keeps her on her toes in Japan!

Anyway, I believe in this cause... care to help?

So I am going to do my part by blogging about the importance of planting trees for the ones that were ruined by fires.  Or just planting a tree for the sake of another tree existing in this world.  More trees more O2.  So, why not, right?!  Sometimes I think that as an individual I cannot do anything to help make a change, then something like this appears and suddenly I feel that I can...  So I will.  I will do my part at a local level to raise awareness so that others can help.  Please help!  If you blog, please visit this site and do your part.  It's simple, really.

This site told me this:
Did you know trees on the mountains of northern California affect the drinking water in Los Angeles? That an acre of forest puts out enough oxygen for 18 people annually? Or that a young, healthy tree can have the cooling effect of ten room-sized air conditioners operating 20 hours a day?

I did not!  And now I do... and you do... so, will you help?  Please?  A tree planted in Plumas National Forest in Northern California (that's us!) on my behalf by the Arbor Day Foundation, that sounds pretty cool!

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