Monday, March 1, 2010

It's kind of funny...

Monday, March 1, 2010
When we were in Atlanta mom and I helped Karen clean out her room a bit.  She still had 3 huge wardrobe boxes - with clothes in them from her move fromCalifornia to Georgia... over 3 years ago!  Anyway, we tore down the boxes and the children had a blast turning them into rocket ships and pirate ships.  It was a funfest for them!  Morgan was busy for a LONG time inside the rocket ship.  When they were done and they played their heart's content, we had to tear down the boxes that evening to put them out on the curb.  As I was cutting, something caught my eye:

I laughed, I smiled, I wanted to cry...  My baby girl was already thinking about getting married!  Can you believe it?!  Well, I asked her later and she blushed... and told me who her future husband would be... a fellow classmate from school.  FIRST grade!!!  I did not show Vince.  Not sure he's ready to see this.  But, here it is.  Morgan and Jacob!  Hee -hee!

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