Sunday, March 21, 2010

The week just slipped right by!

Sunday, March 21, 2010
We returned once more to Happy Hollow on Friday with Danielle, Brianna, and Lily.  Matthew discovered his new favorite ride... are you ready for what he chose? !

Check out that smile!!!
Here's what it looks like from my seat:
Still NOT one bit nervous:
But this little one next to me is not quite sure...
So we went!!!!  And he had a blast!!!!  That rollercoaster was awesome!
But he still does not like this ride:
(Yes, I made him go again!  I am determined to get him to over come such a silly fear!)
But he was happy to go on this one more time before the park closed!  Now he is riding in front of us.  (yes, I made E go again!)
This was another highlight... although a huge disappointment to Matthew as it was too SLOW!  But it was a nice ride regardless.  Danny the Dragon is very green now so no more fumes to smell!

And this swing thing was at the entrance:

Saturday rolled around.... we spent the morning with the Sripatis (but no pictures!).  Srikanth's company Loral, launched a rocket out in Baikonur.  We sat in a press room and watched the event take place.  The children colored in coloring books and did the count too!  It was exciting!

Afterwards, we spent a relaxing afternoon just hanging out, catching up, and eating delicious Indian food!  For dinner, thanks to Pioneer Woman (she is now my FAVORITE blog to read when I need help with dinner ideas), we had this and just plain cheese for the children:

Doesn't look good, but I kid you not --you should try this very simple recipe!  Vince had three slices!  Our former neighbor, Linda, was over and she said it was better than store bought (I paid her on her way out the door! ;))
The children devoured this entire pizza by themselves!  Mostly, M&M... E had a slice and was done!

Sorry, once it was cooked, it was on the table and straight in our tummies!  So, no pictures of what they looked like out of the oven.  Take the PW's advice and make the dough ahead of time -- very simple... then make it when you don't know what else to have for dinner!  But you have to have fresh mozzarella on hand!  DE.LIC.IOUS!!!!!  We're thinking mozzarella and basil next!  (Vince says anchovies too!)  Hmm.... last i had that, we were in Italy and I got sick!  But it didn't help that that was the first pizza I ordered after travelling for an entire day by plane and train!  Mostly, I would blame the sickness of the pizza on myself, not the actual pizza!

Today is a nice sunny Sunday... we may just go to the park and ride our bikes!  What are you all up to?

We ended up just having a relaxing day:
She drew a garden of flowers:

He drew a dinosaur (his version, of course!):
And that is his BLAZING sun!

Their new door tags (or passes/keys to get into the room! They come up with some creative things from their projects!)

The best part was when Daddy helped them put together their Lego Star Wars X-Wing Fighter from Katrin!  (Of course, 2 days later... E has taken most of the piece apart!)

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