Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ed, Uyen, this post is NOT for you!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

(I warned you....)
So, this morning, Morgan asked to have this for breakfast!
YES, an artichoke!
Crazy, I know!!!  She was asking to have a second helping of noodles, but saw the bowl of artichokes (which were to be eaten last night but we were so full from pizza... so... there they were taunting her from the counter!) and asked for the artichookes instead!  She normally will dip them in a garlic lemon sause that I make, but she was so anxious to eat it that she did not care the sauce was not made... one whole artichoke down to the heart (that's her eating the heart in the second photo) - all by herself! 

That's my girl!

Ed, Uyen, you can bring the boys over anytime... no guarantee that I can convert them to artichoke lovers though!

What was Matthew doing while she was chowing down on this?  He was helping Daddy juicing:

Carrot juice anyone?  This is Vince's new thing...  not bad!

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