Saturday, June 5, 2010

A funny story

Saturday, June 5, 2010
I'm not sure if I should be proud about this... but I suppose it only reaffirms to me that he's on his way to reading a lot more!

On Thursday we were helping at MG's school with field day.  MD needed to go to the bathroom so I pick up E and run to the school's bathroom.  I am in a stall with E.  MD is in his own stall.  Everyone is doing their thing.  Then I hear MD.  "Mommy, what does a-s-s say?"  I guess he was reading the graffiti on the bathroom door!  I responded, "Hmm... I'm not sure, why don't you hurry it up so we can go?"  "Okay," he responds.  Then I get E out and we are washing our hands.  Then I hear MD again.  He is still in the stall and he's sounding out the word!  "Aaaaaaasssssssssssssssssss.  Mom, it says ass," he says to me.  "Oh," I say.  Then he responds, "Or it says acccce."  "Hmm, maybe, let's get going," I respond.  He quickly finishes up and washes his hands.

And that my friend was the end of that.  Isn't it great when they discover new skills?!

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