Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer is...#4

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Reading, reading, and more reading!  We've joined the Summer Reading program again and this time, MG is doing all the reading herself!  We've set the same goal as last year - 50 books.  But you know we're already half way there!  We visit the library (various ones each time) at least once a week -- sometimes twice!  They love to read and that makes me so happy!

He was reading until I took out the camera.. he decided he wanted me to take a photo of this:  (yes, we found the glasses!  I actually packed them up before leaving the pool -- what a good mom I am! LOL!)
The Summer Reading Program comes with many benefits (aside from free prizes and books when you reach a certain goal).. they have free entertainment!  This is the juggler that made Matthew laugh so hard he almost cried!  (thought I was going to say something else huh? )  He was funny!  And talented!

We love the Summer Reading Program!  Did I mention that last summer MG won a $50 gift certificate from the Summer Reading program?  We may not be that lucky this year -- but we are certainly going to try!  :)

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