Friday, September 10, 2010

A lot going on in the backyard!

Friday, September 10, 2010
Remember when I mentioned Jim is working on a work shed in the backyard?  He's been pretty busy.  So the boys tried their hardest to stay out of his way -- but also be in  the backyard with him, just in case he needs their "help."

This is where the new shed will be -- but bigger and better!
Here's Clare cleaning the area up:
The same vehicle from yesterday's discovery is being put to good use today.  He's getting it ready...
to launch a few rocks in the air with his foot! I guess it's too boring to just "dig" with the digger.  You should have seen him at the end of this activity.  I told him he looked like he was an orphan because he looked so dirty and unkept!  Is that bad to say?  I was just trying to tell him that he looked like no one takes care of him.  Really!  He had dirt all over his face -- and some around his eyes!  His shirt was filthy!  What was he doing?!  Well, he discovered that if he put a rock in the scooper part, he could launch the rock(s) with his foot.  When the rocks became too boring, he added dirt.  Well, you can use your  imagination...  Here's the launch!!!!
E was content to just dig, dig, and dig some more....  Think he has enough shovels?!  I think Jim gave him his entire collection to use!  (Must be those big eyes that sweet talked Uncle Jim!)
And Miss MG was doing this.  She has now discovered the funnies from the Sunday paper and enjoys it when she has some quiet time (which isn't too often, but Auntie Clare keeps them for her.):
When Jim came in for a "rest" he managed to sit for 3 minutes or so before E requested some apple pears!  Anyone????  (Again, must be those big eyes!  I need me a set of those big eyes! ;))
We are winding down... guess who turns 36 tomorrow?  Hint, it's not me!  I can barely remember my age these days, but I know it's NOT me!!!  Must start dinner prep now... hmmm...  obviously, more to come!

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