Saturday, September 25, 2010

Never "just" a visit...

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Stopping at Matt's for a "second"... well, that just never happens!  The boys and I had just had a nice celebration with my wonderful mom friends from Allen (where we celebrated Astrid's birthday earlier in the week)...

After stuffing our faces with delicious muffins that Astrid made (the boys always ask for more than 3 each time she makes them!), Kelly's store bought cake (but she could have said she made it and I would have been okay with it because she bakes well!), and drinking some delicious and so needed cups of coffee (I had 2)... we stopped by Matt's, as it was on the way home.  Matt was doing some yard work so we hopped on over to the back yard to "help."  MD saw the pool and asked to go in... "no, not now," was my reply.  We did not have lunch yet so we should go home, have lunch, then come back later to play in the pool after we pick up MG.  That was the plan... But Matt offered to make us something to eat.  "No," I said.  "Yes," he said.  "No," I said, "we shouldn't bother you."  "Yes," he said, "not a problem."  Well, twist my arm!  Okay!  So we stayed... I sat and watched this...
(Do you love the matching caps?!  MD put it on outside and walked in the house with it on.  Once he started cooking with Matt he didn't even think about taking it off.  It's cute that they look alike!)

Matt, you are an amazing friend.  What more can I say?!  You totally take care of us!  Lunch was amazing!!!

And when you think this was it...  We did come back in the afternoon because MD wanted to swim, remember?  Well, here we go again!  But this time, MG said she did not want to swim.  She sat and did some quiet activities in the books that Matt and Leo bought them. (They have their own acitivity box over at their house, under the guest bed...)
MD did a lot of this....

and E... spent the entire time doing this!
It was a wonderful Friday afternoon.
More about our week coming up... Since we were so busy this week I am a bit behind on my posts.  Have no fear, Mom, my loyal follower... I will get back on track this week!

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