Thursday, September 16, 2010

Meet DJ and an update

Thursday, September 16, 2010
DJ is short for Daisy Juliette --Her Brownie Girl Scout mascot.  The girls are taking turns -- 2 weeks each.  Each time that the girls have her, they take her to different places and they photograph DJ with them.
I brought her to school today to surprise her... and you'd be shocked to read that MD carried it from the car, walked across a busy street for all to see... and then straight to her class and handed DJ to MG!  Visiting her classroom and school was our trip.  SO we had a photo session with DJ:

DJ at her desk:
DJ and the math manipulatives:
DJ and MG leaving her classroom corridor:
Look how big her school is!  This building you see to the left is for the 4th and 5th graders!
When we were in the class, I saw this hanging up -- I think it was up during Back to School Night, but I went by it too quickly to take a photograph.  It's so funny!
Can you see what she has to say?  (Let me help you...) 
Very neat, boss to brothers, and nice
Daughter of Steph and Vince
Lover of reading and writing
Who fears bugs and other disgusting things
Would like to see Atlanta, Georgia
Resident of Los Gatos
After dropping her off at school today... we went to preschool/preK again. It's every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-12:30.  So far, he's fine:
See?  He even saw a flower on the side, while walking to class and picked it up for me!
Unfortunately, once we walked up the steps to the classroom, he asked to go home.  We walked MD to class first then quickly said goodbye to him.  We walked next door and he kept saying, "Mommy, I want to go home, I'm tired."  And through tears he kept asking me to go home.  Mrs. Gavin took him from me and I walked out.  At one point he took a deep breath to cry and nothing came out.  I ducked and waited by the bench in front of his class to listen to him.  He eventually let out the cry!  But all turned out well.  He had a better day today.  The bonus was when he was able to have recess with MD.  They apparently played on the monkey bars together!  Hooray!

After picking up MG from school we went to Jim and Clare's for a bit.  The boys did some hammering...
MD made a table!
Tonight for dinner we had fresh green beans tossed with salt, pepper, olive oil, and red wine vinegar.  Our entree was lamb with a side of mashed potatoes.  MD cut the potatoes for boiling.  Then he and MG took turns mashing it with butter and milk.  When I informed them we were having lamb, MG asked what kind of meat that was.  I said, "lamb is lamb, you know like Mary had a little lamb."  She then clarified,  "No, is it like cow is beef? Pig is pork?  What's lamb?"  I repeated my answer... then she was quiet and just said, "Oh...." very quietly... as if she totally got the Mary and her lamb thing.  Sorry, Mary -- but lamb is delicious!  MD loved it and kept asking for more.  I only cooked one rack -- apparently I need to cook 2 racks next time! 
This little one liked it too!
In my dry rub, I used rosemary, sage, oregano, cumin, salt, pepper, zest of a lime (because I couldn't find a fresh lemon in the house) and fresh minced garlic.  Rubbed it all over, popped it in the oven for about 45 minutes on 350/400 then broiled on low the last couple of minutes to get that crispy flavor of the garlic, salt, and pepper.  Yummy!
MG went to bed with four braids all over her head... picture day is tomorrow!  She wanted curly hair and to wear the dress Auntie Clare and Uncle Jim gave her for her birthday!

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